The Church lives today, as at first, and as always, in an ontological architecture of mutuality, of mutual reinforcement, sympathy, and help. It’s called love.
The Church is the homemaker for The State. The State is the protector of The Church. The Church and The State are one and the same. What helps one helps the other. What hurts one hurts the other.
The Church is a spiritual community
having physical corporeality.
The Church is the spiritual community who powers the Christian religion from its center. The Christian religion first came up as liturgical practice — puja-sadhana — by Apostles and believers they inspired. Believers self-organized around several types of leader and additional believers they inspired.
Leaders of the Christian religion in towns and regions showed themselves. They worked. They became called Bishops, Presbyters, Teachers, Monks, Prophets, and by other titles reflecting specific functions and aptitudes believers required as ontological necessities for the practice of Christian religion, which is to say, for their spiritual discipline, their piety. These necessities included, as they do today, teaching, analytics, priestcraft, homiletics, engineering, archiving, publishing, singing, composition, medicine, architecture, self-defense . . . the panoply of pro-cultural creativity by humankind.
All this is natural proceeding for humankind. They are in fact instances of the corporeality of God. The Christian religion is a corporeality of God issuing from the internal spiritual community called The Church.
Society has endowed you with all types of power. You are born and brought up in society, and you lead your life in society. Should you not have gratitude for society, which has done so much for you? Unfortunately, students today lack such broad feelings. They lead a self-centered life and are concerned only about themselves and their family. If you lead such a selfish life, who will take care of the masses? All are the children of God. All are brothers and sisters. Therefore, strive for the progress of all. Work for the development of society with mutual cooperation and tolerance without giving room to any conflicts. Develop the qualities of forbearance and empathy. Unity is very essential. You should put the principle of unity into practice. Only then can it grow. Unity does not mean merely greeting each other “hello, hello”, it should be reflected in practice. You should work unitedly. There is great merit in unity. Therefore, students should develop broad feelings and broad-mindedness. Develop expansion of the hridaya (heart). - Sathya Sai Baba
Where is The Church? Answer:
The Church is The Universe.
The Universe is The Church.
Where The Universe is The Church is.
Where The Church is The Universe is.
In other words, open your eyes,
realize where you are already,
and why,
and now what to do about it.
Training in The Church must be for each new dimension of experience and therefore responsibility.
The Church recites The Nicene Creed as originally (ecumenically) agreed, without the filioque clause.
All divine personalities make their advent for some definite purposes. They will not deviate from them in any circumstance. Swami's Prematatva (essential nature of Love) is of the same character. Swami's love has no trace of self-interest in it. It is absolutely pure. Swami knows only how to give, not how to receive. Swami's hand is held above for conferring something, not stretched for seeking anything. Moreover, once Swami has declared, "You are Mine", whatever wrong ways they may pursue, Swami will not abandon them. When I have given a word to anyone, even if they turn against Me I will not bear any ill-will towards them. Even if they revile Me, I shall continue to love them. I will stand up to My pledge right up to the end. Some day they will return to the right path. Owing to the compulsion of circumstances some changes may take place. They are not permanent. I will not change My course because of such happenings. This is My second resolve. The third resolve is: When I undertake anything because I feel it is for the welfare of all and that it is good for society as a whole, I will not give it up, come what may. Even if the whole world is against Me, I will not turn back, I will only go forward. Swami -- Divine Discourse, July 13, 1984