Regime change in the borderlands (Ukraine) is not the goal of the Russian SMO-CTO. Regime change in The USA and The UK is the goal. The Democratic-Republican (D-R) UniParty and the Labor-Conservative (L-C) UniParty are the chief political, economic, and military enemies of the Russian Executive and Legislature. The D-R and L-C UniParties are linked by their Intelligence Communities-NGOs. Their leading members are Jewish atheists.
We mean this when we say that, for example, "Russia is at war with the combined West, not Ukraine." The combined West is the D-R and L-C UniParties linked by their Intelligence Communities-NGOs.
Operationally, the D-R and L-C UniParties are one UniParty. Internally, there is discord caused by each national UniParty wanting an upper hand on the other. But operationally, facing a second or third or fourth center of global influence, the D-R and L-C UniParties act as one joint Atlanticist UniParty. Their leading members are Jewish atheists.
War is a political operation before it is a military one. Seen politically, which is how statesmen see things, the D-R/L-C UniParty is united and hegemonic with respect to all areas of human activity and therefore is an enemy to every other center of global influence whether that is potential or actual.
Regime change in Washington and London is indicated. That does not mean changing Democratic Party for Republican Party actors, nor Labor Party for Conservative Party actors, nor vice-versa for either country. No, it means abandoning both UniParties to self-destruction and making entirely fresh starts with a fresh party in each country, The USA and The UK. For The USA, I am on record suggesting the name All American Party and outlining major planks thereof.
I regret that Donald Trump has not taken this route. With luck Tulsi Gabbard and others will. Trying to get rid of RINOs from inside the Republican Party is comparable to the minor and timid, safe but indecisive envelopment the JCS wanted Mac Arthur to execute in Korea. The correct movement was the daring but doable one, deep into the enemy's flank and rear, at Inchon.
The RNC is part of the D-R UniParty, which is part of the D-R/L-C UniParty hag-riding The USA/UK. A fresh start with a fresh party is indicated in both countries. If those parties are truly fresh, they will be cooperative rather than hegemonic towards other nations. They will welcome multiple centers of global influence because in dispersion there is redundancy and in redundancy there is strength.
Russians have taken the correct (Dharmic) approach to regime change in Washington and London:
abandon to self-destruction the D-R UniParty, the L-C UniParty, and their Intelligence Community-NGO connective tissues;
let them self-reveal as the demonic personalities they are and thus find their own way to the infernal regions;
let Americans, English, Scots, Welsh, and Irish make their own political dispositions;
then deal with those outcomes as they come forth, and as needed or not.
Russians are correct (Dharmic) to sever communications with the D-R/L-C UniParty and welcome communications with peoples the UniParty are mauling for decades.