Yes, and yes, but first, why do war in the first place? I'm nearly certain SMA Weimer here intends to develop a generation willing to go to actual WAR -- as compared to mere COMBAT -- with Russia, China, NORK, and Iran.
But there is near zero reason to do that. Diplomacy alone can bring that reason to absolute zero. None of those "bad actors" threatens The USA with an offensive Order of Battle. Deterrence, yes, but not offensive intent. Those "bad actors" threaten profits and the longevity of some private businesses, surely, but The USA they threaten neither strategically nor existentially. And private businesses are not The USofA.
Moreover, Russia, China, NORK, Iran have no history of threatening The USofA with an offensive Order of Battle. The Korean War was a USG choice — Dean Rusk at the Far East Desk, US Department of State, and later, POTUS Kennedy’s SecState — conjured by a Stalin maneuver to weaken US force in Europe and confuse US force deployment overall. It worked. Until Zionists -- Leftists, Neo-Liberals, Neocons, Conservative Christians -- overtook USG messaging during the 1920s and The USG proper during the 1930s, Russia and The USofA were mutually friendly nations at least since the days of POTUS Abraham Lincoln.
The business of The USofA is to maintain capability to guarantee our own sovereign freedom, not to promote private business per se. POTUS Coolidge mislead generations of US-Americans in this regard, preaching as he did that the business of America is business. What's good for GM may very well not be good for The USofA. Especially in this day of hypersonic and lightening-speed communications, national safety does not and cannot depend on a private profit motive. That motive, par excellence and ipso facto, answers only to itself. Also, it is too slow -- endless committees, too many cooks etc. -- to respond appropriately to developments.
The USofA need only capability for homeland operational defense and mobile and immobile strategic deterrence. We do not need to do and should not do either overseas war OR combat except in the case that the latter -- combat -- is brief, punitive, and pre-approved by our fellow great powers: Russia, China, and India. Current and foreseeable weapons and other communications capabilities make even The Eastern Front of WW 2 monitory but not a model. 2021-2025 is not 1941-1945.