Next time you peruse the NYT, WaPo, WSJ, LAT, SFC, DN, DP, etc., or attend network or cable news, think again please. You’re getting propaganda from some belly of the USG, and it’s meant to take your mind and life in the direction of chaos, confusion, and despair.
Some call it FUD — fear, uncertainty, despair. It’s also known as VUCA — volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity.
VUCA is a natural-occurring phenomenon, unavoidable. VUCA is a teacher, to be welcomed and honored by all. Educated people learn how to resolve VUCA’s presentments. They do not try to amplify VUCA for the discomfort of others.
FUD, on the other hand, is artificially induced from someone’s malign objectives, never benign ones. The news, as we are told it is, contains VUCA but its purpose is FUD.
Who would take your mind and life in the direction of chaos, confusion, and despair — in other words, towards FUD — is not a friend.1. If you would study their character and ways, say, to develop vaccines and antidotes, fine. But forget not that they are primally toxic.
When today US officials speak of protecting America, they mean The USG, themselves. The rest of their countrymen, well, who cares? They are unworthy of notice except as sheep to be sheared or cattle and horses to be branded, as occasion requires. Only USG officials and their claque of news and opinion presenters — and maybe a professor or two — really deserve solicitude.
Sheep, cattle, horses, and people living in chaos, or what they believe to be chaos, are easier to stampede, catch, and sheer or brand than are sheep, cattle, horses, or people living in an orderly fashion. Therefore, the chief enemy, today, of USG officials is civil, moral, or intellectual order. Chaos, confusion, heartbreak et al. bothers them not at all. They welcome it. In fact, through laws and regulations they incite chaos and confusion in order to induce conditions favorable for themselves. Chaos they conjure lets them appeal for money and votes to do a job . . . to resolve chaos citizens experience or have been conditioned to think they experience. Very nefarious. Order per se shoots waves of fear down the spines, and careens around dread inside the craniums, of today’s USG officials.
USG officials and their media claque predictably use all means of punitive authority in their possession to attack to annihilation civil, moral, and intellectual order before it can root and propagate. Or, to change the metaphor, the sheep, cattle, or horses must be sheared, branded and selectively bred but otherwise kept apart by mutual fear and loathing in order to preclude their self-organizing.
This is The Chaos Game.2 It’s a trap. Don’t step into it by asking USG officials to resolve chaos they have already purposefully induced.
Remember from 06 January 2021 the mixture of demonstration, incitement, provocation, cri du cœur, surveillance, espionage, counterespionage, larceny, vandalism, robbery, assault, lunacy, and murder at The US Capitol Building?
Remember that Capitol Hill Police opened doors of the Capitol Building to welcome in the crowd, to include lunatics and not a few USG-NGO agents provocateurs?
Remember that, before the event, POTUS Trump offered National Guard troops to help protect the Capitol Building and instructed Acting SecDef Miller and CJCS Miley to put such in readiness?
Remember that US IC personnel on the Capitol Grounds that day goaded whomever they could affect into committing acts of sabotage and other disorders?
Remember that USG officials absolved themselves and their agents provocateurs of responsibility and pinned blame for the day’s events and motivating forces on POTUS Trump and US-Americans generally, whom they counted as terrorists since the first decade of this century?
Conspiracy theories? You Betcha!
Conspiracies were a thick paste
in Washington D.C. that day.
Given their present condition, asking any element of USG to fix a problem confirms to them a success of their intentions and labors. Their intentions are to cause US-Americans to experience or think they experience constant chaos and to believe that their country is, as the saying goes, Going to hell in a basket. All US political parties extract money and votes by retailing this premise. Very malicious.
It’s The Chaos Trap. If you complain about it, you make its generators happy. If you complain to USG officials about it, you give them first-hand evidence of their success. So don’t step into the trap.
Talk with your countrymen, if you must, quietly about civil and intellectual order. Exemplify those qualities in your personal and social life. Live in a fashion you and your neighbors feel is orderly, beneficial, and pleasing for all of you on that account. Be kind to all equally. Cooperate and develop rather than compete and dominate.
And don’t try to get today’s USG officials to learn from or follow your example, in other words, to be orderly. They won’t do it. They don’t know how to do it and don’t want to know how to do it. Try to do that and you’ll only, so to speak, hit a wasps’ nest with a stick while standing nearby without protective clothing. Let the force of practicing Dharma radiate its benefits on its own terms. Never preach. Only practice.
Train your intellect and your heart to exercise foresight. USG officials are bereft of foresight, a power regarding which they even feel entitled to be spiteful and snide. Their dismissals of the power of foresight, by the way, are their Achilles Heel. People who cultivate and use the power of foresight can replace today’s USG officials — and their staffs — with decent human beings, US-Americans who care about their countrymen and all of them equally.
Today’s USG officials rely on their own chaos-generators — laws, regulations, and agents provocateurs — to seize and keep themselves in perquisites of punitive authority they want to enjoy at their countrymen’s and other nations’ expense:
Make laws and regulations that induce chaos,
promise to fix that chaos,
throw money at donors and extort bribes from them to get reelected,make more laws and regulations that induce more chaos,
promise to fix that chaos,
throw money at donors and extort bribes from them to get reelected,etc. . . . .
This is The Chaos Game. Don’t play it. It’s dirty.
Micromanagement of countrymen, lives and labors all, is a requirement for successful play of The Chaos Game. Generation after generation since NLT 1949, USG officials have been perfecting micromanagement skills and regimes here and abroad. Eagerness for and success at that game is their downfall.
This is a nasty cat to have out of the bag:
Western powers have used terrorism as a tool to keep those [African] countries in a state of insecurity, at the same time pretending that they want it to help them fight against terrorism. So it's now an open secret that the so-called terrorism in that [Sahel] region is helped and abetted by Western powers with some of the Gulf countries that are allied to Western powers, Haniyaremye pointed out.
Many will feel that statement is a soothing balm, not a nasty cat. They are the lucky ones.
The Great Prophets of the Old Testament / Hebrew Bible brought words of formal legal indictments from Almighty God against two cohorts: kings and counselors on the one hand and the generality of citizens of the nation, whether Israel or Judah, on the other. The jury is the hills of the nations and the heavens of the sky, namely, the stars, the principalities and powers of nature. The prosecutor is the very words and deeds of the kings, counselors, and citizens themselves.3
It is a grand scene of trial, truly cosmic in scale.
And what are the charges? They are two in number, one each indictee, both very simple.
ONE: the kings and counselors do not take care of the people and instead look after themselves at the people’s expense.
TWO: the people do not rely on The Almighty and instead hunt for lovers / protection as a she-camel in heat sniffs the wind for the latest hunk in the neighborhood.
These charges are so simple, so obvious, so easy to recognize and accept, and for many so familiar, that one can run by them without realizing their supreme gravity and the great danger to oneself of putting oneself in a position to get called down on them.
Life is serious. It’s supposed to be fun. But it can’t be fun if it’s not taken very seriously the way The Almighty makes clear in so many ways, on so many occasions, that one must take it so. The Great Prophets and other tribunes through the centuries are quite frank, quite lucid enough, so that no one can claim ignorance of what is required of them, governors and governed alike, as uniquely tasked. Or else . . . . not chaos . . . destruction.
This includes scifi, horror, and romance authors.
Used here, the phrase The Chaos Game is generic. It references neither the mathematically generated patterns explored by Wacław Sierpiński nor the commercial game of the same name. Here the phrase represents a violent, cynical mind-and-wallet-game played by government officials and their NGO claques against their own countrymen.
The method of the game, the only possible winners of which can be government officials, is artificially to induce thoughts and feelings of chaos into the minds and lives of ordinary citizens.
The goal of the game is for government officials to use their positions vis-a-vis the punitive authority of the state to take advantage of their countrymen, to compel their countrymen to expect and bemoan chaos in all aspects of their lives and labors — chaos induced artificially by government officials — and thus to be willing to part with their money, property, lives, and liberty to make it all go away.
Rabbi Abraham Joshuah Heschel, whose student I was, would say to his students that the most anti-Semitic book in the world is The Hebrew Bible. He had in mind the import of the Prophetic Literature therein. He would say this with a twinkle in his eyes.